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Does CBD for Weight Loss Work?

The Amazing Ways that CBD for Weight Loss May Help Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash CBD Basics Since its legalization via the Farm BIll in 2018*, CBD has been gaining popularity for the benefits it can provide. Many have been making CBD part of their wellness routine for a variety of reasons. The benefits can include pain relief, anti-inflammation, stress/anxiety reduction, sleep regulation, nausea suppression, and even weight loss! CBD is a molecule called…
September 9, 2021

Is CBD Safe for Kids?

CBD for Minors What is CBD? Can Kids Take CBD? CBD stands for Cannabidiol and it is just one of over 113 different cannabinoids that make up the cannabis plant. Cannabis refers to both Hemp and Marijuana. Marijuana is known for its psychoactive effects (the high feeling). This can be attributed to the most abundant cannabinoid found in marijuana, Delta-9 THC.  Hemp, on the other hand, legally contains less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC and therefore…
August 19, 2021

CBD Drug Interactions with Medications

Can I Take CBD with Other Medications? Thrive Flower CBD Pain Relief Salve CBD Drug Interactions Cannabidiol, known more widely by its acronym, CBD, has become popular for providing many of the benefits associated with marijuana, but without any of the “high”. These benefits can include stress and anxiety relief, pain and inflammation management, help with sleep, and more. The CBD used in CBD products is extracted from the hemp plant, not the marijuana plant.…
July 12, 2021

What is Delta 8 THC?

All About Delta-8 THC Photo by Elsa Olofsson on Unsplash What is Delta 8 THC? Delta-8 THC, like CBD, is only one of over 113 different cannabinoids that make up the cannabis plant. A cannabinoid is a molecule that plays an active role in the plant’s chemistry and effects. Cannabis refers to both hemp and marijuana and Delta-8 THC can come from either. The legal difference between hemp and marijuana is the amount of Delta-9…
June 21, 2021

Differences Between Indoor vs Outdoor CBD Flower

Indoor, Outdoor, and Greenhouse Grown CBD Hemp Flower What is the Same, What is Different, and Which is Right for You Differences Between Indoor vs Outdoor CBD Flower So, you’re interested in CBD hemp flower. But which product should you get? What is best for you? There are many ways to describe hemp flower and that can be a bit confusing. Strain name, indoor grown, outdoor grow, greenhouse grow, potency, cannabinoid profile, terpene profile. But no need…
May 14, 2021

What is the Entourage Effect?

What is the Entourage Effect What is the entourage effect?? The Entourage Effect describes how using multiple cannabinoids together can produce synergistic benefits that outweigh the benefits of any single cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are the active parts of the cannabis plant (hemp and marijuana). The most commonly known cannabinoids are cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Besides these two, there are over 110 other cannabinoids so far discovered (CBG, CBDA, CBN, CBC, etc.). In addition to cannabinoids,…
May 10, 2021

How to Tell if CBD is Working

How to Tell if CBD is Working CBD products can come in many forms. Topicals, edibles, and smokeables all are processed by the body in different ways. Usually effects begin within 30-60 minutes and can be felt for several hours. The feeling CBD gives is more like the absence of other feelings such as the absence of pain, anxiety, stress, and restlessness. If you feel as if the CBD product you are taking is not…
April 2, 2021

What is CBG and How Can the Amazing Benefits Help Me

What is CBG? Despite its expensive price tag, Cannabigerol (CBG) has gained popularity recently in the CBD wellness field. The studies on CBG are limited, but do show promise for the potential therapeutic treatment of conditions such as Anxiety, Multiple Sclerosis, Huntington’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, Alzheimers, Irritable Bowel Disease, and Glaucoma. CBG may also be able to help regulate appetite as well as help fight against drug-resistant bacteria. Cannabinoids A cannabinoid is a molecular compound…
February 5, 2021

The Amazing Benefits of CBD for IBS

CBD for IBS: How CBD can Help to Manage Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (CBD for IBS by Thrive Flower) Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Around 12% of us deal with the symptoms of IBS. Recurring abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, and bloating can have a negative effect on quality of life. The three classifications of IBS are: IBS-D (diarrhea), IBS-C (constipation), and IBS-M (mix of both). The causes of IBS are not known, but it…
December 15, 2020

Amazing Health Benefits of CBD for Seniors

Wellness communities everywhere are discovering the major benefits CBD can potentially offer. The World Health Organization (WHO) described cannabidiol (CBD) to be “well tolerated with a good safety profile” (WHO). All individuals may benefit from CBD use in one way or another. A young athlete may find benefits in pain relief or a middle-aged insomnia may drift off to sleep following a dose of CBD. One group of people who may find many benefits from…
September 28, 2020
does cbd help you sleep

Does CBD Help You Sleep Better Than You Ever Have?

If you are like any of the millions of Americans who have struggled to fall asleep, whether it be nightly or just on occasion, you have probably tried a dozen tricks and techniques to successfully catch those Z’s. Some people count sheep, some exercise, some meditate, others self-medicate with alcohol or other drugs, and many turn to prescription or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals. Now one of the most frequently asked questions regarding sleep is, "Does CBD help…
September 10, 2020

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