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What does CBD feel like… By now, most of us have at least heard about CBD. But in case you have not, CBD is the acronym for cannabidiol, a molecule derived from the cannabis plant. Unlike its cannabinoid cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not produce the feeling of being “high”. People take CBD for a wide variety of afflictions as well as for targeted or general wellness. Many people find CBD can help with:

  • Chronic pain
  • Inflammation
  • Sleep
  • Digestion
  • Anxiety
  • Stress

The potential benefits are seemingly endless and the list keeps growing as more research is conducted and studies are published. Ok, so now you have got yourself some CBD and tried some. Now you just wait for all these amazing benefits to kick in and make you feel like you are on top of the world! But wait, you do not seem to feel anything.

So what does CBD feel like? You wait and wait and nope, still nothing. So what gives?? Well there are several reasons you may not be “feeling it” as others claim to.

What Does CBD feel like?

Definitely one of the most frequently asked questions is, “what does CBD feel like?”. CBD does not exactly produce any specific feeling. This is a difficult concept for some to wrap their heads around because THC definitely feels like something when you use it. Although, CBD can potentially feel like the absence of certain things. The absence of stress and anxiety, the absence of pain, the absence of inflammation, the absence of restlessness, and so on.

Without pain and without stress, your body and mind are now free and open to operate at the highest level. So when someone asks us what “what does CBD feel like?”, we tell them it feels like nothing and that’s exactly how you want it.

What Does CBD Feel Like: So why did I not experience any benefits?

  • Dosing

Everyone is built differently, so it makes sense that everyone’s ideal dose of CBD is different as well. Many factors impact how much CBD an individual should take for a proper dose. Age matters, gender matters, weight and amount of body fat really matter.

An individual’s level of pain, anxiety, etc., also plays a role. Someone with severe pain may need a higher dose than someone just looking for general wellness. Additionally, there are several different types of CBD and a variety of CBD application methods. We will look into those a bit more in a bit.

  • Try a different form of CBD

CBD comes from the cannabis plant. This can either be hemp or marijuana. Legally, all CBD products need to have their CBD derived from the hemp plant. This extraction can result in a few varieties of extract. Isolate is pure CBD with nothing else. Full and broad spectrum extracts contain many of the other cannabinoids found in cannabis.

Full and broad spectrum extracts utilize something called the Entourage Effect in which the cannabinoids interact with one another to boost each other’s benefits. So if isolate does not do it for you, full or broad spectrum extracts may give you what you are looking for.

  • Application method

How CBD enters the bloodstream has a lot to do with how much CBD your body is actually receiving and utilising. When applied topically, the skin’s low permeability allows very little and sometimes no CBD to enter the bloodstream.

The CBD in topical products mostly interacts with cannabinoid receptors located in the skin around the area of application to provide on-the-spot relief. Edibles such as CBD Gummies are ingested.

The CBD goes through the digestive system before entering the bloodstream. This is an easy and delicious way to take CBD, but it is also the second lowest in terms of bioavailability.

CBD oil (tincture) is placed under the tongue and allowed to sit for about a minute. This allows almost all of the CBD to absorb through the mucus membrane. Inhalation by smoking or vaping has the highest bioavailability.

  • Be patient

CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system. What your endocannabinoid system is lacking more than likely took time to get that way. In the same way, it may take some time for CBD to build up in your system and to deliver the maximum benefits to your wellness. Some may experience the desired benefits right away, but others may need some time. Remember, patience is a virtue, take your time when experimenting with CBD.

  • Did you check the quality of your CBD product?

CBD products are not regulated by the FDA, so it is up to the consumer to be knowledgeable about the products they are purchasing. When searching for CBD for sale online, make sure to check that company has lab tested results from third party sources. As the consumer, it should be easy for you to find out exactly how much CBD is in the product.

  • How’s your lifestyle?

Just taking a few doses of CBD cannot counteract over-the-top intake of alcohol and junk food and it is not a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise. Using CBD in combination with a healthy lifestyle is the best way to maximize the benefits you may get when taking CBD products.

Finding your perfect dose

When searching for you ideal dose, it may be helpful to keep a journal of sorts. Write down how you feel in terms of stress/anxiety, pain, focus, sleep, hunger, etc. Using a scale of 1-10 may also be helpful. Over time, you will be able to develop a better understanding of how a particular dose of CBD effects you.

Low and slow is the name of the game. Your initial dose should be on the lower end, maybe around 10mg. Build up the dose as needed over days not hours. A dose of CBD should last about 4-8 hours, so take your time and be patient. There is no lethal dose of CBD so feel free to take more and more until you feel like you are getting the effects you desire. Consult your physician before taking any new supplements.

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